An interview with The Outfit Guy

At Outfit we like to share the stories of our health & fitness community. As our first Q&A we decided to delve into the mind of our very own "Outfit Guy" Rowan Carstens: Rowan, so why did you call your brand Outfit Namibia? OUT stands for Outdoor, FIT stands for Fitness - Outdoor Fitness! BecauseContinue reading "An interview with The Outfit Guy"

6 Reasons why you’re not loosing weight or gaining muscle

Here are our 6 reasons why you havn't been able to loose weight or gain muscle.Caution - you're about to read a healthy dose of realism:

Outfit Namibia: Purpose, Vision, Mission

What is your purpose? Do you have a vision of where you want to be? Is there a mission you could dedicate your life to? And what values guide you through this journey? These are the questions every organization should ask themselves. We did. Here is our answer: Purpose To be the leading health &Continue reading "Outfit Namibia: Purpose, Vision, Mission"

How to Achieve Dreams with SLAM Goals

Achieving a dream is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding feelings in the world. Not only does it affirm that all things are possible, but that with an intention and determination, you and I have the power to create our own, perfect reality! Everyone has dreams, but those individuals that set goals to achieveContinue reading "How to Achieve Dreams with SLAM Goals"

Meditation: the art of self awareness & how to practice it

One of the single most important habits to cultivate for your health & wellbeing is “Meditation”. Meditation has been used for thousands of years to quieten the mind and to connect to one’s self awareness in the present moment. Health benefits on a physical, emotional, mental & spiritual level contributed to meditation are: Sense ofContinue reading "Meditation: the art of self awareness & how to practice it"

Affirmations for money, love, success & health

Ever heard of "Thoughts become Things"? Our thoughts are incredible at shaping our lives, but how do you attract your desires faster? The answer lies in a little practice called AFFIRMATIONS.

Fitness Motivation: Be stronger than your excuses

Self motivation is described as the "ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations. People with self motivation can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them." ( Being self-motivated is therefore essential to yourContinue reading "Fitness Motivation: Be stronger than your excuses"

The Business of Health & Fitness

Our latest feature on 99FM's Master Your Destiny Smart series. Here is an excerpt, click the link to read more: Being in the business of improved quality of life, Outfit Namibia is making its mark on the health, wellness and fitness arena in Namibia for their holistic view on how to live life to theContinue reading "The Business of Health & Fitness"

How to loose weight & burn fat (the healthy way)

Congratulations on taking the first step to a healthier, happier you! Admitting to yourself that you need to change is the hard part, it gets easier from here onward. There are various weight-loss techniques on the market, however what you really need is a change in lifestyle. There's a reason you're unhappy with your currentContinue reading "How to loose weight & burn fat (the healthy way)"